Security. Exclusivity. Prosperity.

Welcome to Luxury Memes™

The memes we see every day are recklessly shared all over the internet and beyond, so by the time you see them they are old, stale, and used. Here at Luxury Memes™ we provide dank, never-before-seen, fresh memes. What we offer isn’t just a meme you can see but a meme you can own and cherish.

As part of our ever-expansive services, Luxury Memes™ now provides two avenues to meme ownership.

Luxury Memes™ Classic

Since '16, Luxury Memes™ has been handcrafting memes privately in-house, securing them with state-of-the-art encryption, and sending them directly to the homes and PO boxes or our prestigious clientele. We were the first meme marketplace to guarantee that our memes were one-of-a-kind and not shared with anyone but the purchaser. We pioneered the concept of meme ownership, and will continue to provide this service in perpetuity.


Now that owning digital assets has become more mainstream, Luxury Memes™ retains it's status of being on the bleeding edge of meme technology. Introducing NFMemes™; By turning memes into Non-Fungible Tokens, we have made the process of owning a meme public: It is now possible for you to prove your ownership of a meme made by our specialists here at Luxury Memes™ and view them as tangible assets on a variety of blockchains.

NFMEMES Currently unavailible. It turns out we unintentionally invented a scam. It's not like we scammed people and made money. People took what Luxury Memes was doing honestly and corrupted its purity. Do not buy NFTs in general. We no longer offer them.

Here's How it works

Learn about our meme and NFMeme offerings in this fun educational video.

Memes are ubiquitous. Now they can be property. Buy a meme today!