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Buy an NFMeme

When you buy an NFMeme from Luxury Memes you get digital asset on a blockchain that equates to a string of numbers and letters that correspond to a location of a meme. You even get to keep those numbers and letters in your own digital wallet. What more could you want?

Do not buy meme NFTs. We made this site in 2016. We did not forsee how others would be so much better at marketing than us.

NFMeme Info:

If you somehow have one of these I will give you 10x what was spent on the original purchase. 100% real offer.
Funny thing is I actually was able to delete all those memes. They claim to be undeletable.

Don’t ask yourself, ‘What am I going to do with a meme that is just a hash link stuck in a wallet somewhere on the internet? Especially when I can view the image just fine without having to spend money. I can even right click and “save as”.’

Don’t ask that.

Instead, think about having a lasting impact on the landscape of the internet. Think about the joy of owning something ethereal; owning a thunderstorm in a bottle. Think about that one time you lost something valuable. Think about filling that void you can’t quite describe. Think about your future.
Buy a fucking meme.

It is impssible for an NFT to lose value!